My Longest Treadmill Run Ever and a Possible Injury

March 18, 2013

This is a story that starts out happy but does not yet have an ending. The final outcome still remains to be seen.

But let’s start at the beginning shall we?

I had the good fortune to spend this past weekend in Florida – 2 days in Orlando and 1 night in Tampa. In my family, a trip to Florida also requires a stop at Epcot at Walt Disney World. (The Cliffs Notes version behind this odd little tradition is this: Mr. rUnladylike is obsessed with Disney; we go twice a year although we are still childless; and drinking around the world is not the same as standing in long lines at the Magic Kingdom. Don’t judge. *wink*)

Between sightings of Disney characters and champagne wedding toasts, I was also able to get in 2 killer workouts at the Waldorf Astoria in Orlando. (Side note: If you have not been to this hotel, you must go immediately. It was my first time staying there, and I want to move in!)

On our first day there, we did this strength workout outside:

It was a real doozy.

I also got to try out my new Brooks Running Pure Cadence 2s while in Orlando.

Mr. rUnladylike and I were shoe twins for this workout. Me in the new Brooks Running Pure Cadence 2s and him in the Pure Flow 2s (He’s a recent convert!)

I’ve been addicted to the first evolution of Pure Cadence (which I now lovingly refer to as the vintage model), and I was excited to see what I thought of the second evolution. Pure 1s vs. Pure 2s? I’m still trying to determine which I like better. With the Pure 2s, I really like how the tongue is connected (it moves around on the vintage model), and I like that the snug, streamlined fit remains the same. I am not as excited about the harder toe box on the 2s and what feels like less cushioning than the vintage model. I’m looking forward to breaking them in even more because I sure do Run Happy in my Pure Cadence.

We spent the rest of the day on our feet at Epcot enjoying their 20th annual Flower and Garden Festival (which is kind of a mini version of their food and wine festival but with lots of gorgeous plants and topiaries). No official sightings of Mickey, but we did see a few of his pals.

Pooh as a topiary
The real Pool with Tiger
Tasting wines at Epcot in Italy

On our second day – which also happened to be my long run day – I needed to get in at least 10 miles. Because the Disney resort areas are not very conducive to long runs on a Saturday morning with the traffic and many sidewalk-less highways, I knew I was going to have to do this on the treadmill. (Cue dramatic music: Dun dun duuuuun.)

The gym at the Waldorf Astoria in Orlando

I have never run more than 7 or 8 miles on a treadmill at one time. Like all of us, I get bored and mentally drained after too long on the mill. Luckily, I had a beautiful view from my treadmill that kept my mind off the monotony a little, and I was determined to find the inner and mental strength to get this done. My goal was to stay in the 8:30s for the run.

My view for 10 miles on my longest treadmill run ever

Here’s what the splits looked like: 9:30 (warm up), 8:34, 8:34, 8:34, 8:34, 8:34, 8:27, 8:34, 8:20, 8:10.

I was thrilled with this run. It was officially my LTRE PR: Longest Treadmill Run Ever. I dug deep. I stayed mentally strong. And I could have kept going … except …

I had some major pain on the outer edge of my left foot. I’ve felt this periodically during the last few weeks (running and at boot camp), but I thought it has just been a cramp. But on Saturday, it stayed with me for most of the run and was painful after the run too. The pain only lasted for several hours. There is a slightly tender spot when I touch my foot now, but it does not hurt to walk, bend, stand on my tippy-toes, etc.

I’m going to get it checked out this week, as taking a chance with bones in my feet just to get an extra run in is NOT worth it. I’m going to only cross train (bike, swim, strength) until I can confirm a stress fracture is not a possibility. (God knows self-diagnosing a running injury using Dr. Google is enough to send you over the edge in sheer panic!) I’m going to hope beyond hope that it is just a little sore from all my speed work lately (I don’t run high mileage but every workout is high quality and I’ve been gradually upping the ante the past few weeks) and that a few days of rest, ice and a visit to the chiropractor and massage therapist will help.

So I don’t yet know the ending to this story. Will the end simply have me rejoicing in my LTRE? Or will it be about starting the journey of being injured and dashing my hopes and dreams for my April half marathon? I hope to know by the end of the week. Until then, please send a good thought and a Run Happy vibe my way!


Do you typically travel when you’re on vacation? What is the longest you’ve ever run at one time on a treadmill? How do you handle potential running injuries – do you rest right away and have it checked out, or do you try to run through it?



The longest I’ve run on the TM was 12 miles, and it was TERRIBLE. Gah, it was so boring. There was a movie on the TV, but still. As for running while I’m on vacation, let’s be honest. I have high hopes. I bring my shoes and all my gear…. and then I don’t. Then I get sad about my wasted suitcase space.


I love your honest reply Amanda. I think we all share your pain on both accounts and can totally relate. 🙂 Congrats on that 12-miler on the treadmill. Impressive!

Cecilia @ MommiesRun

We talked on twitter but I’m so hoping it’s not a stress fracture! I know the injury is not the end of the world but I’d be lying if I said that these last 4 weeks have not been brutal for me. I go back to my ortho tomorrow and I’m hoping I can ditch my boot and run again! I’ll be thinking about you and hoping it’s nothing serious!


Awe, thank you so much Cecilia, and thanks for sharing your experience with me on Twitter. I don’t think it is a stress fracture since I don’t have any pain when I walk or jump at this point, but I’m taking every precaution and am going to check it out to make sure … and to make sure I don’t allow it to turn into a stress fracture. I’ll keep you posted and will be thinking about you and wishing for that boot to come off so you can run like the wind. xoxo


Oh no I hope that you feel better! I’m glad you had a great vacation down here!


Thanks, Kat. Sad I didn’t get to see you this time. We need to plan a run next time when I’m in town longer!!!


Good for you! Treadmill runs are the worst! I once clocked 10 miles too, and it sucked every minute. I like your view better, it’s still snowing here.

I hope your foot feels better!


Oh no! So sad to hear that you’re dealing with this! I’ve battled with knee and foot pain over the past few years – and it’s usually just a symptom of overuse. But “rest” – “no running at all!” – can be tough! I’ll be thinking of you and hoping everything is okay!


I hope you get good news!

I like to run on vacation and keep my routine going. It’s not always easy, but it’s a fun way to sight-see sometimes 😉


First of all, big props for running at all while at Disney and 10 mi on the dreadmill should win you some kind of award. The “mental endurance” award, I think. Second, I SO hope your foot is not injured. I know you have big plans for the next few months and am hoping nothing is adversely affected by the foot issue.

Bob aka @flsunman

Not a big TM fan so my long run is in the 3-4 mile area. Yes, I travel on vacations and always with my Kayano’s, Garmin, T and shorts. I think like most at first I try to run through the injury but ultimately give in to rest, the ‘Oh so difficult’, rest. And finally when rest doesn’t work do I get a professional medical opinion.

Dani @ Trails & Cocktails

I tried to run 12 miles at Disney outside last fall during marathon training, and it was a major fail. I got out super early to beat the heat, but ended up running circles on the various sidewalks for 6 miles in 100% humidity, and running the remaining 6 inside. They don’t make it easy to run there (minus the races, I suppose.) Good luck with the potential injury, it’s always scary but it sounds like you are doing the right thing.

Cori @ olivetorun

Nice work on the treadmill and love the shoes! 😉
I’ve actually done 20 miles on a treadmill… yes, I’m insane!


Wow Cori!!! Way to go on 20. Ah-mazing!!!

Kyle Kranz

I hammered out 52.4 miles once on a treadmill. Good times.


Simply amazing Kyle. You’ve left me speechless! 🙂 High five!


I think my longest treadmill run was 9.5 miles but it was when I did 10 x 800 (yasso 800s) so it didn’t seem AS bad… I guess because the intervals break it up. But believe me I hate the treadmill!

My friend Asia ( ) has had similar foot pain! She’s had it on both feet and the most recent occurrence was after doing a long run and then going to Disneyland and being on her feet all day, ironically. It’s not a stress fracture so that’s good! I hope yours goes away as well!


Thanks so much for your note Nicole and for sharing Asia’s blog. It is always so helpful to read about other runner’s experiences. Funny enough, I did my 10-mile treadmill run after being on my feet at Disney all day too. Hmmm. I’m going to the sports chiropractor tomorrow to get it all checked out. It hasn’t hurt at all this week so I’m hoping that is a great sign. Hope your running is going well!

Lindsey @ Run Freckles Run

I’ve run 10 miles on a treadmill at one time. Never topped it. 10 was boring on a treadmill. When it comes to possible running injuries, I try to power through it for a day or 2. But if there’s no relief from pain or it gets worse, I’ll abstain from working out completely for a day or two. If there’s no change in pain, I’ll cross train until I feel good enough to run again. Usually a week.


I’ve never done more than 5 on a treadmill. My intentions were good but my TM faces a blank wall and that is just grounds for torture! And I immediately rest and recover once I have a pain and I’ve never been injured in my 8 months. But recently, I’ve had some knee issues but I’m thinking my new shoes will fix that. Hope to see you recovering soon!

beka @ rebeccaroams

You are a champ!! I usually only last about 5 mi before I get bored on the TM. I haven’t had any foot injuries, but I hope it’s nothing serious, keep us posted!!

Sarah @RunFarGirl

My husband and I love Disney! We’ve been a couple times before kids and once with Sophia. Without kids is so fun: Epcot, the restaurants (Shula’s is our fave and the California Grill). But with kids is pretty magical too. You see everything through fresh eyes. So fun!
The longest I’ve ever gone on a treadmill was 12 miles and that was aweful, but necessary because we were living in AZ and it was 112 outside. As for injuries…I’m terrible at self-perscribed rest. Although I’m getting better. I just took eight days off for a toe injury and everything is back to normal.


We LOVE the California Grill. It is one of my favorite restaurants anywhere. We always sit in the back area where all the wine is and it’s so fun. And I love your perspective on seeing Disney differently through new eyes. Maybe one of these days … 🙂
112 degrees! Whew! Treadmill would have definitely been necessary! Glad your toe is better!