Friday FITspiration: Running with Purpose

March 8, 2013

Here at, Fridays are all about sharing the inspiring stories of fit people who motivate all of us to be better tomorrow than we were yesterday. My Friday FITspiration series profiles runners, triathletes and casual exercisers who are making choices every day to be as healthy as they can be – in both huge ways and through simple, small victories. Their stories are about the journey of transforming from ordinary to extraordinary each and every day.

 “I run because it allows me to connect to a deeper part of myself. ~Lisa McClellan

Today, I’m very excited to introduce you to one of my favorite running bloggers, Lisa McClellan from Run Wiki. Lisa is a mother of 3 children, including a set of twins, and is married to a U.S. Navy Diver. She runs to escape the everyday pressures of life and blogs about her love affair with running and how it guides her through life. She has such a unique and purpose-driven outlook on so many things, and I hope you’ll be as inspired by Lisa as I am.

How long have you been running, and what inspired you to start?
I started running in high school and have been running for about 30 years. But it wasn’t until 7 years ago after the birth of my first child that I became very serious about running. I suffered from severe Post Partum Depression a week after my oldest son was born. We were transferred to the Mojave desert (my husband is active duty military), I had left my career and extended family and my baby had colic, so I was a bit of a mess. One day, I went out on a run. When I returned from that run, it was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I felt good for the first times in months. I was able to enjoy my baby and husband again. It was, and still is, time to myself. Time to reflect. And being outside in the desert was like medicine to my soul. I was able to connect to a deeper part of myself – my spiritual side. I have been able to continue to run because of these same feelings. If I did it to have a good body or to fit in my jeans, I would have stopped years ago.

Finish this sentence: I run because _____________________.
It allows me to connect to a deeper part of myself.

What is your favorite race distance? Why?
I love them all, but I would have to say the 50K. It’s slow, there is no pressure to PR and you get all the same satisfaction crossing the finish line as you would with any other race. Plus I get to say “I’m an ultra-marathoner!”

What running/racing accomplishment are you most proud of?
Qualifying for the Boston Marathon and finishing my first ultra marathon.

What goal do you most want to accomplish in 2013?
I would love to have a big marathon PR and I want to run a relay. (I just found out I’m running on the Nuun Hydration Team at Ragnar Watsatch Back in June! So excited!)

What’s on your running/racing bucket list?
I would love to run a trail relay and a 50-miler.

What is the hardest challenge you have had to overcome? How did you do it?
The hardest challenge I’ve had to overcome is having a vision of the relationship I want with my father when I know that can never be, and accepting that you can never change someone, letting go of that vision and knowing things will never change. I know my challenge is not running-related, however running has helped me learn how to expect less and accept more and that no matter how bad you want something, there are certain things that will never change.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start running or who thinks they can’t do it?
My advice to someone first starting is that you must always run your own race. Never compare yourself to others, and celebrate your successes. Running takes commitment and desire. Change occurs over time, so be patient.

What is your running mantra(s)?
My running mantra is “Let go, allow and stone cold strength.” I have it on a bracelet that I wear.

What running gear do you never run without?
I love my Garmin and all things Oiselle.

What keeps you hydrated and fueled the best (us runners are always looking for the best tips and secrets on nutrition!)?
I am a huge fan of Nuun Hydration and I use Gu on my long runs. Before a run, I like a protein pancake with coconut oil and sunbutter. It’s kind of messy but I love it!

What’s on your iPod right now?
I never run with music.

What are you most passionate about? What inspires you the most in life?
I am most passionate about creating – it could be creating a blog post, creating a PR, creating a craft with my children or creating a recipe. The act of making something out of nothing is exciting to me.

What would people would be surprised to know about you?
My house is messy most of the time. I do laundry every day and if I don’t I will regret it for the next week. I have to sleep with a cold pillow over my head and eyes leaving just my nose and mouth exposed. I drink coffee in the shower. When I buy bananas I get 2 yellow and 3 green.  I have a raunchy and immature sense of humor. I love classical music, NPR and many very nerdy topics. I love to learn!

What are your 3 favorite running blogs or Web sites?
I love so many blogs. Other Web sites I love are, and

How can people connect with you?

Thank you Lisa for sharing your story with us! If you or someone you know would be a great candidate for Friday FITspiration, email me at

One of Lisa’s goals this year (and mine too) is to run a relay race. Have you ever run a relay? If so, what was the experience like? If not, does that interest you?


Lisa @ RunWiki

Thank you so much for featuring me Jesica! I’m a huge fan of your website, so to be highlighted is a thrill! I hope we run a relay together someday!

Laura @ Mommy Run Fast

I love Lisa! Great feature… and I still learned a lot about her that I didn’t know. She’s inspiring!

beka @ rebecca roams

Lisa is awesome! Sounds like someone you could be best friends with from day 1. I am definitely excited to know that she is a fellow Nuun Ambassador and I’m DYING to do a relay (and eventually an ultra – but I need to tackle marathon first) !!! 🙂