Just Keep Swimming: Weekly Rambles

January 26, 2016

Sometimes life gives us strong currents and rough waters. Forward motion isn’t always easy. At times, we feel like we’re swimming and swimming and gasping for breath (have I mentioned swimming is my weakest sport?). Lately, I’ve been treading water as I try to keep myself above the surface so I don’t drown. With every tidal wave eventually comes calm waters. Ebb, flow. Ebb, flow. Unfortunately for me right now, the waves are crashing and I’m trying to get back into the life boat. But, like our friend Dory from “Finding Nemo” so eloquently reminds me, I must “just keep swimming.”

To keep you up to speed as I try to swim to shore, here are the eight things you need to know about my corner of the world this week:

1. My house is almost done! If you’ve been reading runladylike.com for a while, you know that my husband (Mr. rUnladylike) and I relocated to Tampa last May after living in Atlanta for many years. Following an extensive house search, we decided to build a home in an amazing neighborhood, including demolishing the house on the lot and starting from scratch. We broke ground in August 2015, and I’m happy to report that our house is scheduled to be done on February 29. “Woo hoo” is an understatement. If I never have to select another tile, floor color, paint scheme, light fixture, slab of marble or mirror again, it will be too soon. We have been spending the small amount of free time we have going to home stores, scouring Pinterest and designing rooms. I’m spent.

And did I mention we’ve been living at my parents’ house for the past six months? Everyone gasps in horror when I tell them that, but I am lucky enough to have the most incredible mom and dad on the planet, so it has actually be a lot of fun. I can’t begin to describe how grateful we are for how amazing they are. Everything I know about unconditional love, support and confidence is embodied in them. All that being said, we’re excited to have our own space again. I’m also excited to get all of my worldly possessions out of storage, including every shred of winter clothing I own. Oh, how I love going out and buying things I already own but are locked away in a pod somewhere. #sarcasm

2. I finished my first 21 days of the 21 Day Fix and Hammer and Chisel. I really love the program and would recommend it to anyone looking to eat cleaner and incorporate more strength training into their exercise. I will share a more in-depth post about this soon, but here are a few initial thoughts on the first three weeks:

  • The meal plan is healthy, balanced and is easy to follow. I just love having guidelines and some structure to follow. That is something that always works really well for me. Runners and active athletes will need to bump up the calories and servings to accommodate the extra activity and ensure you are eating enough, especially if you are not trying to lose a lot of weight.
  • I did great for 18 out of the 21 days. At the very end, I fell off the wagon a bit and caved into some cravings. The last weekend of the fix, I had three parties in two days and it just became too much. I had also run 12 miles the morning of one of the parties, so I was so hungry and gave into some of the temptations. Of course, I kind of hated myself for a little bit afterward, but this is real life and we have to live it. I am pretty pleased with 18 out of 21 days.
  • Hammer and Chisel is an awesome strength training program. I would highly recommend it to any runner. I don’t think doing the DVDs alone is enough exercise for intermediate athletes and would recommend adding running or cardio of your choice three to four times per week depending on your activity and ability level. I do think the workouts are excellent complements to runners, especially with all the glute work. I have to admit, the past two weeks I haven’t been doing all the workouts on the strength side. The first two weeks I did 5 out of 6 of them plus running. The past two weeks I’ve run more and done only 2-3 of the workouts per week. I’d like to get back to balancing the majority of the DVDs with my other cardio. I felt really good when I was doing that.
  • I’m going to continue buying and drinking Shakeology. I really like it and enjoy drinking a protein shake right after my workouts.
  • In terms of results, I do feel like my arms look a little more defined and are a little stronger. I was down a little on the scale the first two weeks but haven’t checked again since. Change doesn’t happen overnight, so I don’t like to dwell on that too much. I also don’t think weight alone is a solid indicator of body composition changes, so I take that with a grain of salt.
  • Overall, I feel better when I am following this plan. Two thumbs up.

3. I’ve felt great running this month. Have I mentioned how much I adore cold weather? Well, fall and winter finally came to Florida at the same time and I am in Heaven. During the past week, I’ve enjoyed a few runs between 39 to 45 degrees and I could not be happier. And yes, I still wear a tank top and shorts. It is glorious!

Weekly Running Rambles

Here are what my past two weeks of workouts have looked like:

  •  Mon., 1/11: AM: Chisel Cardio DVD; PM: 3-mile walk with my mom
  • Tues., 1/12: AM: Ran 5.1 easy miles; PM: 60 minutes of accupuncture
  • Wed., 1/13: Chisel Balance DVD
  • Thurs., 1/14: Ran 8.6 miles, including 2 x 15 minutes at or close to marathon pace (faster miles were 8:13, 8:03 and 7:51)
  • Fri., 1/15: REST
  • Sat., 1/16: Ran 12 miles with new friends in Tampa; the picture of the tree in the sunrise above was taken at mile 9 of this run. I had a nice fast finish with my last mile at 7:55.
  • Sun., 1/17: Total Body Hammer DVD + 10-minute ab DVD
  • Mon., 1/18: Ran 4 easy miles
  • Tues., 1/19: Ran 6.3 easy miles
  • Wed., 1/20: AM: Did 5.12 on the elliptical machine; PM: Walked 2 miles with my mom
  • Thurs., 1/21: AM: 3-mile recovery run + Upper Body Fix DVD; PM: 90-minute sports massage
  • Friday., 1/22: REST
  • Sat., 1/23: Ran 1.3-mile warm-up with Mr. rUnladylike around an 8:15 pace followed by 30 minutes of strength training via Lower Body Fix DVD
  • Sun., 1/24: Ran 8.6 solo miles in 39 degrees!

4. I’ve discovered two new food loves.

The first is JIF peanut powder. The only ingredients are roasted peanuts. It is fantastic for putting in protein smoothies or mixing into Greek yogurt. Here are my two favorite combinations:

  • Peanut butter banana smoothie: 1 scoop vanilla Shakeology (or vanilla protein powder of your choice), half of a banana, two tablespoons of JIF peanut powder, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 cup of ice … blend until smooth.
  • Greek yogurt “dessert”: I eat this almost every night after dinner: 1 red container (or about a half of a cup or so) of plain Fage Greek yogurt, one tablespoon of JIF peanut powder, half of a very ripe banana mashed, dash of cinnamon to taste … stir all of this together until smooth and combined.
Eating Clean: JIF Peanut Powder

My second favorite are these Crispy Crunchy Broccoli Florets from Trader Joes. They are such a great treat and only contain broccoli, rice bran oil and sea salt. They are a good way to get some extra veggies and satisfy a salty/crunchy snack craving.

Broccoli Florets on runladylike.com

5. I’ve been too cool for school in my new Brooks Running get-up. Since I work from home, I literally live in active wear. The thought of putting on pants with a zipper and any shoe other than a running shoe or my beloved Kenkohs makes me want to have a panic attack. This month, my friends at Brooks sent me the new Run Thru Jacket and Pants to try, and it’s currently my favorite outfit to wear around the house, run errands in or put on after a run to go to brunch with friends. It kind of reminds me of an updated take on a 1980s sweatsuit. This is so comfy, but I wouldn’t wear it to run in. It comes in teal, navy and pink and has a waterproof pocket in the pants for a phone. The suit is pricey at $98 for the jacket and $95 for the pants. The one change I would make is to the jacket. I wish it was the same thickness as the pants to keep you warmer (the jacket is only the mesh outer layer without the extra lining the pants have). While I love having this and wearing it, I wouldn’t purchase it for myself, but it would be great to receive as a gift. And it just looks cool (and funny) to take pictures in.

Brooks Running Run Thru Sweat Suit

6. I’m reading two good books. You know, in all my spare time (#sarcasm #again). I actually love working out on the elliptical machine because I can get in a solid hour of reading on my Kindle. Right now I’m reading Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica. (I recently read her book The Good Girl and LOVED it.) This one is creepy so far in a good way.

On the running front, I’m nearly finished with The Runner’s Brain by Jeff Brown and Liz Neporent. I’ll share a full review on this as soon as I’ve completed it.

Reading on the Elliptical on runladylike.com

7. I’ve got a few songs on my running playlist on repeat. I rarely run without music. It keeps me motivated and positive. Here are the songs that I am loving right now:

  • Stitches by Shawn Mendes
  • Right above It by Lil Wayne (This is the theme song for HBO’s Ballers.)
  • Sugar by Maroon 5
  • I Will Survive by Cake

8. I’m about to go on a major travel bender. Today I’m on my way to New York City for work until Friday. I am launching a new brand for my company and it will be one of the most important weeks of my career … hence the reason why I have been treading so much water. My husband and mother-in-law will be there too, so I’m excited to go to dinner and a show before I get swallowed away by work for the rest of the time. I’m also over the moon about running in Central Park … I’ve got my Stabilicers ready!

Next week, I head to Arizona for six days to run the Sedona Half Marathon with my best running pal Elizabeth and will then head on to Tucson for a few days for work. Shortly after that, I go to Sea Island for a wedding. It’s going to be a whirlwind, but I can’t wait to be in a few of my favorite places during the next three weeks.

Please note: There are Amazon and Brooks Running affiliate links contained within this post. I am also a Brooks Running Run Happy Ambassador and receive free products each month to test.

What have you been up to the past few weeks? How is your 2016 going so far?



Geez girl!! You have so much going on but so much of it is positive! Congrats on nearly finishing the house. I know exactly how you feel and went though the same almost 7 years ago now!
I absolutely love your new Brooks diggs but especially love the Pete and Gerry’s hat you paired with it 🙂
Safe travels and totally jelly of running in Central Park!


Sounds like a great week! I have been reading your review of 21 Day Fix and think I may give it a try. Question – I am supposed to target 1200 calories (as it is 1,000 with their formula) but I don’t really need to lose weight. Sure, I would love to lose 3 pounds that I put on over the holidays, but I mostly am interested in a system that will force me to eat more veggies, get my portion sizes under control, and I need to strength train better. Would you suggest I stick to 1200 calories or up it a bit? I run 22-27 miles a week on four days, and do spinning 1 day a week. I also do a full strength session on the other free day. Thanks for your tips. I have no idea how many calories I consume now. Also, why Hammer & Chisel vs. the strength videos that come with the 21 day fix?


Hi Angie! Thanks for reading and following along! I would very much recommend the program. I can’t wait to hear what you think if you decide to try it. If you need someone to buy it through, let me know. My sweet friend from college is a coach and she’d be glad to help and support you. She’s amazing. Regarding your calories, 1,200 seems extremely low, especially with all your running and especially if you don’t have a lot of weight to lose. Because I am not really trying to lose weight but rather get more cut and drop body fat, and because my exercise is my number one priority (aka performance), I bump up the calories a lot. As you know, you can’t maximize performance and try to restrict calorie intake at the same time. I bumped myself up into the next highest calorie bracket by adding another carb, fruit and tablespoon. Some days, I will add yet another carb or what I need to feel satisfied. For me, the point isn’t to be restrictive and be hungry all the time. The point is to eat clean and healthy and eat more portioned servings. The approach of the fix really helps do that, but at some point I would recommend intuitive eating so you’re getting adequate calories to support your exercise. For people who do more than just the DVDs, you will definitely need it depending on your goals. Even when you’re eating more, you’re eating more GOOD things. That’s the key difference.

I chose Hammer & Chisel over the Fix DVDs simply because it is more advanced and challenging. I would say 21 Day Fix is more for beginner to intermediate individuals and Hammer & Chisel is for a bit more advanced fitness folks. That isn’t to say that the fix DVDs aren’t challenging (I do the upper and lower body workouts after runs and enjoy them), but H&C is just more challenging and for me a better work out. There are a lot more workouts as well so you can vary them based on your running days. More equipment is needed, so just know that going in (e.g. weight bench, pull up bar or bands, etc.). Hope that helps. Let me know if you have more questions 🙂

Sarah @ SarahRuns26

I totally understand how you feel about house stuff – we are building right now too, and living with my parents! The living with my parents part is fine, we have our own space and they don’t bother us at all, but it is really nice to walk downstairs and can spend time with them! I’ll actually kind of miss that! But if I never have to make another flooring, lighting, counter/cabinet decision in my life, I will be a happy girl! Enjoy your travel coming up! That will make the rest of the house process go quickly!


Hi Sarah! It sounds like we are in such similar boats right now. I hope everything is going well with your build. I’m glad you enjoy living with your folks. We feel the exact same way. I’m going to miss hanging with my mom all the time whenever I want, even though she’ll just be about 40 minutes away when we move. Good luck with the rest of your process!!!!


Daaaaaang. You’ve been super busy! I’m hopeful we can run together on Sunday perhaps? Or just grab a bite before you head out of town again for Sedona. The pics in that track suit are adorable. And yes, just keep swimming. It always works for me. Good luck in NYC! Knock em dead!


Thanks friend! I should be able to run this weekend, depending on how Gasparilla day goes. I’ll be back late on Friday evening. I’m sorry I had to bail on you today. It was a good thing I did because I didn’t finish working and being on the computer until 2 a.m. Ouch. My eyes hurt when I had to wake up this morning 🙂 Have a great rest of your week and see you soon. xoxoxoxo


So much going on with you! Travelling sounds super fun! I just planned a few trips for spring and can’t wait. I’m digging those Brooks pants too. Super cool for sure 🙂


I’m highly considering 21 day fix or hammer and chisel for strength training after I return to work. Glad you liked it! Now we all want to see your “after” photos!!! 🙂

Good luck on your launch!!

Laura @ This Runner's Recipes

You’ve got so many exciting things going on in your life! Congrats on nearly finishing your house, and good luck on your travels! 🙂

Lindsey aka Freckles

I bought Hammer & Chisel when I became a coach earlier this month. Once I get through my marathon in March, I will take that on! Right now, I am working towards finishing P90X3! Can’t wait to see your results from Hammer & Chisel! I’ve heard it’s great for runners!


Haha, I’m here in NYC, and I can tell you that Central Park was very nicely plowed out and runnable even on Sunday after this latest snowstorm, and Park Drive has basically dry ground currently. You will definitely be all set without the Stabilicers 🙂 (Now, as for the slush puddles you will encounter on the way TO the park….well let’s just say the game of “guess how deep this slush puddle is” has led to many chilly-toed runs!)


Hi Jess! My run was amazing. It was perfectly plowed and the perfect weather day. And I also stepped in an ankle deep puddle last night that looked like it was only an inch deep. LOL. xo


I think running in Central Park during winter sounds magical!!
I loved reading all of this Jes – you have so many wonderful things going on in your life! Your new house sounds amazing!! I know it was a lot of work, but soon it will be all YOURS. You were able to pick and choose and plan it all. So exciting!!! The half in Arizona will be so, so fun and Sea Island has been on my list for a long time!! I think a wedding there would be incredible. Have so much fun with all your travels and good luck with work!! Knock ’em dead 🙂

PS: Hammer and Chisel sound great!!!

Alison @ racingtales

Hmmm, for some reason I can’t add a comment to your Buffalo Cauliflower post but I want to! As a child I had to eat cauliflower cheese and as a result developed a deep resentment of that veg. But maybe this could change that?! My husband just bought 2 huge jars of Frank’s hot sauce from Costco so maybe that’s a sign I should try this? I’ll let you know how it goes!


Awesome!!!! Make sure you use the wing sauce 🙂 xoxo


hahaha- the jacket. and i meant to tell you i bought the pb powder! do not try in oatmeal- way too thick. love that things are coming along with the house and your running. xoxo. see you soon!